Vitamin D: prevent a deficiency of this essential vitamin

One billion people suffer from a long-term vitamin D deficiency and 50% of the remaining population does not get enough vitamin D. Within The Netherlands, 60% of visitors to the general practitioner have a vitamin D deficiency.

We get vitamin D in our bodies through our own skin production and our diet. When the sun shines on our skin, our body eventually produces vitamin D. Subsequently, this produced or ingested vitamin D is further metabolized by the liver.

But what exactly is vitamin D?

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble hormone. 

What is the difference between vitamin D2 & vitamin D3? 

Vitamin D occurs in the diet in 2 forms: ergocalciferol (vitamin D2) and cholecalciferol (vitamin D3). Both forms of vitamin D are formed under the influence of ultraviolet radiation (UV radiation). This radiation is part of sunlight. Vitamin D2 is formed in certain mushrooms and fungi and vitamin D3 in the skin of humans and animals. Therefore, vitamin D3 occurs naturally in foods of animal origin.

However, when supplementing Vitamin D, Vitamin D3 is known te be more effective compared to D2. 

What are the health benefits of vitamin D?  

  • Vitamin D supports our immune system: it influences our immune cells, namely the T-lymphocytes, B-lymphocytes, and many others.
  • Vitamin D stimulates the absorption of calcium by our intestines and the reabsorption of calcium by our kidneys. Calcium is especially important for our bones. A deficiency can led to reduced bone quality, which could cause osteoporosis, among other things. It is therefore also necessary for the maintenance of strong bones.
  • Vitamin D plays an important role to maintain muscle strength. These 2 factors are most important to prevent the risk of falling and the risk of fractures by elderly.
  • It plays an important role in the production of insulin: this is the main hormone for our sugar level.

Vitamine D zon

Also, an interesting study, in which nearly 15.000 people were examined, showed that the lower the vitamin D level, the risk of a COVID infection increased. Supplementation of vitamin D especially for risk groups is therefore recommended.

How much vitamin D should we intake per day?

Recently, there is more discussion about the recommended daily amount (RDA) of vitamin D. Most health institutions still recommend a daily dose of 10mcg (micrograms) for most groups and in some cases, 20mcg is the advice. However, more and more studies show that a higher intake of vitamin D (20-25mcg) might reduce the risk of cancer and autoimmune diseases.

The problem is that we often don’t get enough vitamin D. How come?

  • Less sun exposure
  • Between 50-90% of our vitamin D is made by our skin when it is exposed to the sun. We get the rest of the vitamin D through our diet. However, we spend less time outdoors and as we get older, our skin can produce less vitamin D.

Did you know that we usually don’t enough vitamin D during both winter and summer?  This is one of the reasons that studies show that vitamin D supplementation works better all year round than taking it only in winter.

Which groups have a higher risk of vitamin D deficiency?

The risk of a vitamin D deficiency is present for many people. However, some groups have an increased risk of vitamin D deficiency. People with a higher risk belong to the following groups:

  • People with a vegan or vegetarian diet
  • People who rarely go outside or people with covering clothes
  • Dark skinned people
  • Elderly
  • Pregnant women
  • Young children (1-4)
  • Women between 50-70

How do you measure whether you are getting enough vitamin D?

We recommend everyone to measure your vitamin D twice a year with your doctor or general practitioner:

  • Once in the spring, so you can get an idea of the low level after the winter
  • Once in the fall, so you can get a picture of the higher level after the summer

The dosage can best be advised based on these two values.

Vitamin D deficiency symptoms

  • Most people with a vitamin D deficiency do not experience any obvious complaints.
  • When a deficiency of vitamin D is chronic, this can lead to poorer bone quality, increasing the risk of fractures by elderly.
  • Non-specific complaints that are difficult to recognize include: listlessness, lack of energy, weakening bones, muscle pain, cramps, muscle tremors, anxiety attacks and possibly even heart problems.

How can you get enough vitamin D through food?

Very little food contains vitamin D. You can only find it in certain types of fish – salmon, mackerel and sardines, eggs and fortified products including breast milk, certain fruit juices or breads.

As a result, supplementation of vitamin D is recommended in many cases. Therefore, plnktn. developed a vitamin D3 based on algae that provides you with sufficient vitamin D every day.

Never have a vitamin D deficiency again with the Algae Oil Vitamin D3 from plnktn.

With the Algae Oil Vitamin D3 from plnktn. you get 20mcg of Vitamin D3 with just 1 small capsule. This provides you with sufficient vitamin D3 daily. Vitamin D3 supports the immune system, but also plays an important role in maintaining strong bones and teeth. Finally, vitamin D3 contributes to the maintenance of strong muscles. In addition, the Algae Oil contains the essential fatty acid Omega-3 DHA, which enhances absorption of vitamin D3. This is because vitamin D3 is a fat-soluble vitamin that needs fat to be properly absorbed. In addition, you directly benefit from the health benefits of Omega-3 DH, including strengthening your vision and improving brain function.

Therefore choose for our Vegan Algae Oil Vitamin D3 for a 100% vegetable, optimally absorbable and sustainable supplement to boost your health.

Order Algae Oil Vitamin D3 

het is tijd voor immuniteit


1. Szarpak, L., Rafique, Z., Gasecka, A., Chirico,F., Gawel, W., Hernik, J., Kaminska, H., Filipiak, K. J., Jaguszewski, M. J.,& Szarpak, L. (2021). A systematic review and meta-analysis of effect of vitamin D levels on the incidence of COVID-19. Cardiology journal, 28(5), 647–654.

Nair R, Maseeh A. Vitamin D: The "sunshine" vitamin. J Pharmacol Pharmacother. 2012 Apr;3(2):118-26.

3. Naeem Z. Vitamin d deficiency - an ignored epidemic.Int J Health Sci (Qassim). 2010 Jan;4(1):V-VI.

 David Feldman et. All (2014), The role of Vitamin D in reducing cancer risk and progression.