Walvispoep als redder van het klimaat

Whale poop as a savior of the climate

The largest animals on earth. How beautiful and impressive they are. But not only that, cetaceans are much more than that. They are an essential link in keeping our oceans and seas healthy. Life in these waters is largely connected by these giants. In this way, whales maintain the population of their most important food source themselves, very circular. Based on an article in the Guardian, De Correspondent has created a beautiful visual representation of this process that we would like to highlight. 

What makes whales special is that they act as fertilisers of plankton. Just like many land animals, their food forms the basis for new life. “What they do is bring nutrients from the depths – including the waters that are so dark that photosynthesis cannot take place – up to the zone where plants can live. By releasing their poop – sorry, fecal clouds – into the surface water, the whales fertilise the plankton that krill and fish depend on.” A very important process for the health of all life in the water. Our plankton is grown in protected conditions because we want to leave the oceans alone. And don't worry, our plankton don't live on whale poop ;)

Plankton in turn ensures that carbon is brought to the bottom and this can then be converted into new plankton when plankton is eaten by krill and fish. Research has also shown that more whales leads to more plankton. The role of whales for a healthy marine ecosystem is therefore crucial. But how do we know how the whales are doing? This is why the Rugvin Foundation was created.

What is the Rugvin Foundation?

Stichting rugvin is the knowledge centre for cetaceans and their habitats. They conduct research on cetaceans, organise excursions to increase awareness and the importance of cetaceans and have written the children's book Whallie de Poo.

A Dutch organization that really makes an impact.

For us as an algae company, that believes in the power of healthy oceans, enough reason to support Stichting Rugvin. We do not want to do this only with donations but in several creative ways. For example, by asking for more attention for this fantastic organization by selling the children's book Whallie de Poo. For example, we recorded a podcast with the founder Frank Zanderink and distributed 50 children's books to primary schools throughout the Netherlands . All proceeds from this book go to research into cetaceans and educating people about the importance of these magical creatures. Which will indirectly ensure healthier oceans!

What can you do?

Inspired to help the oceans too? Great to hear! There are several things you can do:

  • Check with Stichting Rugvin to see if you can do volunteer work!
  • Buy the book Whallie de Poo for your children, nephew, brother or yourself!
  • Donate to the Rugvin Foundation.

Feel the power of Algae 🌱

The corresponding piece can be found here .

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