After exercising, it is important to quickly replenish your glycogen* supply. It is also important to consume enough proteins, vitamins and minerals for faster recovery. This shake quickly responds to your body's needs. It contains oa a lot of magnesium in this powerhouse. Magnesium is good for muscle strength, muscle relaxation and muscle endurance. It can help with stiff, tense muscles after physical exertion.
150 ml coconut milk (or other plant-based alternative)
4 ice cubes (or 100ml cold water)
1 ripe banana
1 medjool date
20 grams of hemp protein
20 grams (raw) cocoa powder
2 grams of plankton.
Preparation method:
Put everything in the blender in the order of the ingredients list. This will prevent plankton, powder, hemp and cacao from sticking to the edges of the blender after grinding. Let the blender grind well for a creamy structure of the shake.
Prep tip: freeze your peeled bananas in advance, so you can make a cold shake as a variation.
*glycogen is stored glucose and carbohydrates, which can be found in your liver, muscles and in your brain. When your body needs energy from carbohydrates, this glycogen is converted into glucose to be used quickly by the muscles.