plnktn. Detox Juice Shot 🍎🍋

plnktn. Detox Juice Shot 🍎🍋

Need an early morning kickstart?

This juice provides the right energy, in addition, the shot offers support for detoxification, digestion and can strengthen your immune system. With this spicy booster you start your day with a 2-0 lead.

Who needs coffee?!


1 apple

½ lemon

2 cm fresh ginger

1 sprig of mint

1 g plankton.





Cutting board

Preparation method:

  1. Get the juicer ready
  2. Wash the ingredients
  3. Cut them into common pieces
  4. Put them through the juicer
  5. Finally add the planks while stirring*

*Make sure you dissolve the plankton well in the detox juice


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