How plnktn. was born

How plnktn. was born

Written by Thom Siersema (founder plnktn.)

In 2013, there was no such thing as plnktn. Only a wise man who firmly believed in the power of algae, and in particular: Marine Phytoplankton. To be honest, I could not (yet) fully find myself in the enthusiasm of Jan (my stepfather) at the time. I just moved to Amsterdam, started my studies, and after all, as an 18-year-old, I had other things on my mind.

Nevertheless, it was fascinating that Jan, who is not only a heart patient, but also suffers from macula degeneration (an eye disease), was so convinced that Marine Phytoplankton could help him with this. Apart from the necessary medicines, he preferred to look for natural alternatives and relied on a healthy lifestyle. This inspired me. Over the years I started to be more active with my health, of which sports and nutrition formed a large part. 

After my studies, I therefore decided to ask Jan all kinds of questions concerning algae. Also, I conducted my own research to find out more of this (yet) unknown superfood. As a young entrepreneur with a lot of ambition and interest in food & sustainability, a whole new world opened up for me. 

Here is a small selection of the news headlines I came across about algae nutrition: 

"The meal of the future can be found at the bottom of the ocean"

"Why algae are going to conquer the food industry"

"Microalgae are the steak and Omega-3 pill of the future"

On the one hand, I was surprised that I had no idea that algae have been seen as food for the future for years. On the other hand, I was inspired to seize this opportunity and do something good for the world with it. 

That's how plnktn. was born. A distinctive brand that believes in the power of algae. This strength forms the basis of everything we do every day. 

I am convinced that algae can actually make a difference. Not only because they are incredibly nutritious, but also because it is one of the few sources of nutrition that is really grown sustainably. 

Want to experience the power of algae yourself? Then order here.

Thom Siersema

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